Social Media

Whilst we strongly believe in privacy, we also believe in 'working out loud' and are in constant pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, sharing what we find.  We therefore have a variety of social media outlets - either on behalf of Whishaw Enterprises, contributing to others, or as individuals.

Further sources will be added, but to start: Here is a selection of e-Magazines: categorised under Tech, People and Topics.

Talking about Tech

These sources are focused upon, or lean towards, technology.

Geekery & Cyber

'A technophile's selection of the latest in technology and related challenges ...'

Type: Flipboard e-magazine.

Topic: Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Cyber threats and protection.

Source: Open, shared for awareness.

Visit the Site

O365, PPM and Win 10

'Links related to organisational adoption of Office 365 and with key aspects of Programme/Project Management, with some comments on using Windows 10.'

Type: Flipboard e-magazine.

Topic: Microsoft / Office 365 capabilities for business.

Source: Open, shared for awareness.

Visit the Site

See | Think | Imagine | Know

'Good, interesting and sometimes unashamedly geeky stuff about the world around us that it is good to know about ...'

Type: Flipboard e-magazine.

Topic: For the inquisitive - with a lean towards science and technology.

Source: Open, shared for awareness.

Visit the Site

Talking about People

These sources are focused upon, or lean towards, people, wellbeing and understanding the world around us.

Inspire > Go

'Lead, grow, innovate, provoke thought, imagine. Move on.'

Type: Flipboard e-magazine.

Topic: Leadership, insight, inspiration, wellbeing and thought.

Source: Open, shared for awareness.

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Popularis Politica

'Popular Politics: A layman's view of modern British and International political issue.'

Type: Flipboard e-magazine.

Topic: A dabble in current affairs.  Popularis Politica is (intended to be) Latin for 'Popular Politics' meaning the politics of/for the people.

Source: Open, shared for awareness.

Visit the Site


'A Celebration of British words and speech.'

Type: Flipboard e-magazine.

Topic: Our use of language shapes our understanding.  All too often what we mean and what is understood can be 'lost in translation' even between people sharing a common language.

Source: Open, shared for awareness.

Visit the Site

Talking about Topics

These sources are on specific topics such as industries or business areas.

Soldiers' Muse +

'Articles and extracts of news and interest from a soldier's perspective.'

Type: Flipboard e-magazine.

Topic: A companion site to a blog, covers a range of topics related to the UK Armed Forces, particularly the Army.

Source: Open, shared for awareness.

See AlsoSoldiers Must (WordPress Blog)

Visit the e-Magazine